Finding stories

The Explore screen helps you find things to read and listen to and things you have already read.

It is organised into horizontal lists of stories and filters for displaying lists of stories.

The first time you use Read Listen Learn, it will display the following

  1. Reading Levels, colour coded buttons that filter stories by reading level.
  2. Popular, stories that have been read a lot in the past few days
  3. Categories, buttons that filter stories by Fiction or Non-Fiction
  4. Our Selection, a frequently-updated selection of stories from our catalogue

Lists of stories

You can click a filter, the name of a list of stories or view all to display a list of stories.


Story tiles

Information about stories is presented in tiles.

Each tile displays an image from the story and the following

How to search

Reading a story

When you find something you want to read click the story tile

You'll see a summary of the story and you can then either start or continue reading.

How to search